Hello,dear guests.It has been a real long while when i wrote blog last time.As you can mention i am working on this site long years(with long breaks :D)So i would love to intorudce myself and tell about everything and nothing.I am not student any longer.I have Master's degree in philosophy.I have worked in university almost the year(why i left there is a long story).I still lov playing chess,swimming,reading and sometimes to translate americnas TV Shows(i am making subttitles-my small hobby).I am single.Living alone with two wonderful cats.Both i have found on steet.Sophie-the white little kitty.She is around 10 months and blind.But her blindness does not prevent her from enjoying life.And Shadow-wonderul black cat.He is around 3 years now.He l oves to play with Sophie and being her faithful "dog-guide"I do not like clubs and crowded places.In my free time i love to enjoy a good book with a glass of white Wine or taking a bath with my rubber ducks.About my fantasies,wishes,pland and desires you can ask directly.Great day and Wonderful mood to everyone.My best regardsFreem
Hello my dear friends and costumers.I am happy to tell you that i am backnLast week was very hard for me.I passed my exams.nI got A marks at all.nThe hardest for me was history of foreign philosophy.It was really hard fight with Critics of clear Mind.Transcendental unity of apperception it is not very easy theme for discuss.But i survived ;)nSummer now.And i have great summer mood for everyone.I am young,full of energy and absolutely ready for nice time with you.nWish the weather was better here.Strong wind we have.I wish take sun bathes and swim enough.I love to swim very much.When i was 13 i was one of the best swimmers in Saint Petersburg.nUnfortunatelly we haven't got nice lakes and rivers here.They are very dirty.nMy real dream is visit ocean and swim in ocean waves.So if someone want to invite me in nice hot place with ocean and maybe palms i will be very happynI wish all my dear costumers nice summer and not against if someone will visit me and be with me little time - will be very happy and not dissapoint younI am waitng for you.Remember.nBig Kisses and hugs from me,Daniil from Russia.nP.S. Thank you for reading my blog.nEsto quod esse videris ;)
I am passing 4 exams this year.My exams will be from 18 of june to the 1st of july.I am passin methodology,ontology,evolution theory and history of foreing philosophy.So now i am full in philosophical works.Reading Kant again "The Critics of Clear mind"I love to study and hope pass my emas good,cause iam working very hard of it.Wish me luck my dear guests.I really need it
Yesterday was my course work protection.I passed it on A mark.I wrote my work for last three monther.It was about Carlos Kastaneda \"Wariior\'s Path\"So now i know a lot of about tonals,naguals,taoists and will be happy to help you found your own way of Warrior.
Today is third June.Summer is here.What what doses summer means in Saint-Petersburg?Honestly it is not always sunny here.Today was rainy weather.But summer here means not only sun adn hot weather.Mostly it means sun inide us.Sun growing up from our souls.And you can see it all in my eyes and my smile.Come in here and i will gift you my favorite smile.Kisses
Hello my dear Visitors.I would like to intoduce myself a little.My name is Dan and i am from Russia,Saint-Petersburg.I am student.Third year,studing philosophy.I enjoy reading very much.Love soccer and swimming.No against to play chess with good partner.I am very open minded nature.I love americans Tv shows like House M.D.,Desperate housewives,Smallville,Supernatural adn lot of more.From Music i prefer classic music by Bach(especcially his plelude numder 13-it is my favorite)I will be happy to answer at all your questions.Be my guests please
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