Guys) I want to clarify one thing) I'm not from Iowa State)) Each of you considers it your duty to ask about it! When it's one person, or two ... it's normal and not annoying at all. But when you are more than a hundred a day, it is a disaster lol
1. Something for the shower: Funny washcloth, deliciously smelling shower gel, bubble bath)2. Cookies with chocolate chips or orange candied fruits)3. New interesting book -a small, soft cover, perhaps an easy story)4. New shoes - this is an uncomplicated truth for all women.Truth I love Boots more X)5. A new species of tea (I drink different and very fond of tea)
What superpower would I like to have?The dream of a real extrovert - understand the language of animals)You might think "you do not have enough people, you already want to talk with animals?" lolBut yes! Sometimes i want to...I want to communicate with our brothers on the planet and know what they think)There is a possibility that some of them will not be able to talk with me about Kant lolBut this is a dream, why not?))
InceptionThe Dark KnightGladiatorAliensPirates of the CaribbeanHome aloneLeonFight GlubSe7enPredatorCinderella ManShutter IslandHarry PotterCatch me you canDances with WolvesGone with the windNgo si SeoiKing KongThe Devil`s AdvocateThe Fifth ElementBig FishMen in BlackAmerican History X
Tender, rough, passionate, wild, quiet, shy. Today a nun, tomorrow an. At this moment, a modest student, and then a secretary who dreams of fast sex on the boss's desk.I'm such a woman...
Are you ready to be arrested?You have the right to write in a chat room, admire the work of the police and have fun, everything you say can be used for your pleasure!
In every woman, especially here exist everything you want. But it all depends on the man. It is he who chooses what feelings and image to incarnate in a woman)
I have 3 toys) I do not even know which one is my favorite, they all give me pleasure. And they are all different. I'll write more about them later)
Thank you very much for your support) This was a very interesting experience) Next time I will try to do something even more interesting for you)The dyes were washed well) These were special paint-safe for the body)
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