Hello, I hope everyone reading this is doing well.I am sorting out my legal situation in Venezuela, so I will not be in Colombia until the first week of October.
Friday 12-01-2023 is my high school graduation, I'm excited about it.I hope to continue exploiting my knowledge.
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without testing.
"Newton's third law, the only way for humans to discover how to get somewhere is to leave something behind."
There is no need to be afraid of poverty or exile, prison, or death. What you have to be afraid of is fear itself.
The mind that is anxious about future events is miserable.
Desire and happiness cannot live together.
And how can you expect to love if you don't know what is right and what is wrong?
Prudence is the highest of all goods.
"You become what you give your attention to"
Long is the path of teaching by means of theories; short and effective through practice.Largo es el camino de la ensenanza por medio de teorias; breve y eficaz por medio de la practica.
"It's not that we have little time, but that we lose a lot."
"The unnecessary, even if it costs only a little, is expensive.".
"There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going."
If it's not right, don't do it, if it's not true, don't say it.Si no esta bien, no lo hagas, si no es verdad, no lo digas.
We are often more afraid than hurt; and we suffer more in imagination than in reality.A menudo tenemos mas miedo que dolor; y sufrimos mas en la imaginacion que en la realidad.
It is not the man who has very little, but the man who yearns for more, who is poor.No es el hombre que tiene muy poco, sino el hombre que anhela mas, que es pobre.
Philosophizing is this: examining and refining the criteria.Filosofar es esto: examinar y afinar los criterios.
No one has the power to have everything they want, but it is in their hands not to want what they do not have and to use what they do have with enthusiasm in the best way.Nadie tiene el poder de tener todo lo que desea pero esta en sus manos no querer lo que no tiene y, utilizar con entusiasmo de la mejor manera lo que si tiene.
The truth triumphs by itself, the lie always needs complicity.La verdad triunfa por si misma, la mentira necesita siempre complicidad.
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